How do I crack the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program in 2023?

How do I crack the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program in 2023?

In this article, I share key points to note when applying for the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors Program.


I first saw this question on Quora and I did this question. But I first taught to, myself why don't I post this on my blog?

I want to keep this blog short and simple but make the points crisp and clear. I will share with you 2 key salient points to help you in your Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador application.

What is the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador About?

The Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program is a program for higher education students who want to advance their skills in one or more Microsoft Technologies. As part of the program, they receive benefits like program-branded swags and other benefits like LinkedIn Learning, and Visual Studio Enterprise Subscription as they journey through the milestones in the program. They become representatives for Microsoft on their respective campuses around the globe. They also help to enforce the Microsoft Mission by “empowering every individual and organization to achieve more”.

Now let's dive into the question of how to crack the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Program.

1️⃣ Get Nominated

Firstly, do well to know whether you have a Student Ambassador on your campus. Why am I saying this? You have to know whether you have a Student Ambassador on your campus, if yes, I will recommend that you attend his/her events. Engage in the MLSA community on campus. You can do that by sharing the event flyers with your colleagues in your class. Engage with the Student Ambassador and be friends, let him/her know your interest in the program. On the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors website, Student Ambassadors can nominate anyone who desires to be part of the program. By engaging with the Student Ambassador and in the community, the Student Ambassador will have enough content to nominate you to become an ambassador.
I have nominated two Student Ambassadors and also helped one Ambassador to apply for the MLSA program. So I know what I’m talking about. How can you want to become a Student Ambassador, but you are not participating in the Student Ambassador’s community on campus if there’s one?

Note, I'm a Gold Student Ambassador, and in the program, program managers encourage us to nominate and spread the word about the Program to our peers on campus. And now you are hearing it from me, spreading the word outside my campus. 😅

2️⃣ Create an Account on Microsoft Learn and complete Learning Path(s).

Secondly, you have to know what Microsoft is requiring of you in your application. I wrote an article on how to become a Student Ambassador. In the article, I emphasized, what Microsoft is requiring of you. Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors are Ambassadors to the Microsoft Learn platform. The Microsoft Learn website is a platform for all Microsoft documentation. But there is a Learn platform where you can learn about Microsoft Technologies for free by just creating an account with your Microsoft account.

Go to Microsoft Learn Website. On this page, create an account with your Microsoft Account and learn any Microsoft Technology you are interested in. It can be Azure or any technology. Take a learning path and complete it and keep learning by completing more learning paths. Because when you become a Student Ambassador you will do a lot of learning on the Microsoft Learn website.

After doing the above, go to your settings by clicking on your profile icon at the top right corner of the page, you will see your profile URL. When applying for MLSA, copy that URL, and paste it below the text you wrote. Here is the image:

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador application question

As you can see in this image, one has to be actively involved and show the aptitude for leadership in whatever endeavors one finds himself/herself in.

Furthermore, make sure that the application question you are answering with a video is accessible. With this, if you upload the video to OneDrive or Google Drive, make sure you set the restriction to “Anyone with the link can view”. But if you choose to upload the video to YouTube, also make sure it’s public.

By failing to do this, you will lose points when it comes to that question in the application review by Microsoft.

🙏 Let's Conclude

Not to write any further, by following these solid points and the extra tips I have given and by also following the article I shared here, you will have enough tools in your arsenal to crack the application for the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador program in 2023 and beyond.

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